Its the 4th day in Barbados and I don't ever want to go home! So much stuff has happened...we arrived in Barbados at half 3 on Tuesday, transferred to the hotel at which point we met "Bob" (not his real name but we can't remember it) who was staying at hotel with us and settled in to our new lovely apartment, which i could quite easily live in for the rest of my life, and then fell asleep :) Wednesday morning we woke up at 7am to be precise to the most beautiful day i've seen in a long time and went to get some groceries at the supermarket which is a short walk from our hotel, we then met our rep and organised some trips and then cruised down our local beach..

Turns out its a pretty famous beach is where celebritys all over the world come to stay at at the prestigious Sandy Lane hotel :O with guests such as Simon Cowell, Roman Abramovich and Tiger Wood's wedding!! Amazing or what? We came back home to an invite to a cocktail party at the hotel owners penthouse and we went and it was pretty cool, the owner turned out to be a extremely camp american millionaire called Arshad who owns the lushest property on the island Cove Springs which Simon Cowell is staying at on monday :O Think he fancied Nat abit which was kinda sick cos he was so old but he was absolutely hilarious. Had some rum punch (deathly) and had to swallow a salmon canapee just to be polite, discovered "Bob" was a pervy pervison who couldn't stop making inappropriate comments and took to following Arshad everywhere. We then went to bed about 8pm cos we were still jetlagged...
Thursday we literally sat by the beautiful pool alll day and got extremely burnt :(...A myterious knock on the door turned out the be Arshad who invited himself in to our messy bedroom and chatted for about 20hours but he sorted out free wifi for us for the rest of the holiday :P he also invited us to his house in Miami over new year and promised to show us the exclusive clubs...he also has an apartment at trumps in New York :O, he then noticed our uncle bens perched on the table and offered us free takeaway...LUSH!!... spare ribs, jerk chicken, potatoes, coleslaw, caesar salad and vegetables mmmm!

Friday we had a catamaran trip organised and it was absolutely amazing, the weather was lush (even though we were still burnt) and we made friends with the crew in particular a chap named Alex who was going to show us the "real barbados" after lol!! We also swam with turtles which was an absolutely amazing experience and the turtles were absolutely beautiful however i nearly got mowed down by one coming straight into me!! We then we went down to Carlisle Bay which was beautiful and had literally crystal clear waters!!
The beautiful turtles ♥ |
We left the catamaran with even more severe sunburn :(...and very red faces...but was still determined to go out, well i was maybe not nat, who had severe sunstroke! Got picked up by alex about 10.30 and went to Oistins, which was pretty good, it was basically a little market and then a stage with bajan people dancing pretty much on the street and little further up was the old cronnies line dancing etc was such a friendly place and we got extremely drunk!!...and then headed off to a club on St Lawrence Gap which reminded me off a club in 8mile or something with a more reggae twist but was amazing and met so many people, can't remember the journey home but was such a good night...however the hangover today has been awful! Will update you on more antics further sometime next week xxxx